Thursday, April 10, 2008

Easter Sunday - Gary & Lynn

Gary and Lynn are home from an amazing honeymoon and are over the moon with their photographs. What a great way to start the 2008 wedding season with such a beautiful wedding on Easter Sunday.The weather was a little cold but the sunlight was beautiful and the little bit of snow,well we just called it 'cold confetti'.

As for Gary and Lynn, what can I say, a beautiful, fun loving and very relaxed couple. Both Gary and Lynn and indeed the two families were great fun to photograph. Lynn looked amazing in her gorgeous dress and watching the tears in her mums eyes as she helped to fasten the dress was very emotional.

They had planned some lovely details for the day such as a wonderful string quartet playing while the guests arrived, the flowers by De Bloemist were as beautiful as ever and of course Glenskirlie Castle is just stunning.

Enjoy the photographs everyone. The slideshow will follow tomorrow.

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