Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Restless Night

Heather is keeping really well. Getting bigger by the day...but keeping well. A lot of you have asked me to keep you up to date more.

Well last night was the first time that 'Junior' gave Heather a really restless night by constantly kicking her just as she was nodding off to sleep.

I thought seeing our baby on the ultrasound was emotional but when I first felt the baby kick my hand on Heathers was amazing.

Guess its just the start of things to come. Heather thinks its gonna be like the picture below.

Note from AMJ: Had to edit this post to make it clear that I did not take the picture below. Some of you have asked how I got this amazing shot. Its not my shot...its not Heather.....and its not real. Its quite a famous fake photoshoped image of the net :)

Still busy getting the nursery organised, now that we have agreed on a colour scheme :)

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